for iPhone is a 2016 Apple Design Award winner


“We love this app. Congratulations guys. You’ve solved a really big problem in a very elegant way.” John Geleynse, Apple’s Director of Technology Evangelism & User Experience Evangelist, stood on stage in San Francisco and addressed the Apple Design Award audience. “It’s really hard to do this right, and does it right by filling a big gap in the creative workflow.”

It was a big night for us!


And just like the Academy Awards, this ceremony involves more than just handing out beautiful statuettes—there was a demonstration in which an Apple presenter showcased favorite elements of the design. Because this was a presentation for nerds, here’s what they called out, translated to plain English:

  • The dynamic clip interface (and its use of Apple’s UI Kit) that “really makes this view come alive.”
  • A “really fun & interactive animation” of participants in the list view transition
  • Use of 3D touch for Touch Scrub and “peek & pop” view transitions
  • During loop review with automated 2 second handles, “the phone will vibrate. There it is.”
  • “This app is incredible. It’s written entirely in Swift, it’s using the latest tools: multiple storyboards, storyboard references, auto-layout size… did I mention it was all done in Swift? Did I mention this is their first iOS app?”

CEO Emery Wells had this to say:

Last night was the incredible realization of a journey that started many years ago. Apple held its annual Apple Design Awards ceremony to honor a handful of apps that “set a benchmark for excellence in usability, design, innovation, and technology adoption.”

I’m super excited to say that was the recipient of one of these coveted awards. We wanted to share this special milestone with you. It’s your continued support that allows us to build phenomenal software solutions. When my co-founder John Traver and I started this company it was in part because we felt our industry (the creative industry) was often overlooked by technology startups that were building the future. So we decided to jump in and build it ourselves.

Learn more about for iPhone


ADA2016_lineup_700 – video review and collaboration on the App Store

Mark Christiansen

Author at and of the After Effects Studio Techniques series (Adobe Press); VES Member, VFX Artist and Supervisor on Avatar, Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End, The Day After Tomorrow, Beasts of the Southern Wild; Founder of New Scribbler (developers of Cinefex for iPad); past employee of Lucasfilm, Adobe and

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