50,000 users and 100 new features and improvements

I can’t believe it’s been only 4.5 months since we launched Frame.io, our cloud based media collaboration platform, to all of you.

What an incredible ride it’s been. I’m proud to announce that we’ve now surpassed 50,000 Frame.io members from 120 countries. Wow!

The feedback and reviews have been overwhelming positive but that’s not to say everything’s been perfect.Today we’re releasing our biggest update yet with over 100 new features and improvements across the entire product line and we’re launching many of your most requested features.

New Web App

New Final Cut Companion App

Just for good measure, here are the headlines in written form:

Frame.io Web App 1.1

  • New Private Team Files & Folders – Hallelujah. You can now set files and folders to be invisible from collaborators.
  • New Collaborator Permissions – You can now restrict collaborators from downloading, sharing, or inviting other collaborators.
  • New Project Sharing – When project sharing is turned on, anyone with the link can join. It’s a great way to invite large groups of collaborators without having to invite them individually.
  • New Real Time Upload Status – Now all participants of a project can see upload progress in real time which can eliminate lots of confusion.

Final Cut Pro companion app 1.1

  • Added support for queuing.
  • Drag and Drop upload from the desktop.
  • Custom export locations allow access to rendered FCPX Media.
  • Convert FCPX markers into timestamped Frame.io comments.
  • Added options to choose marker types when exporting only clips with markers.
  • New reduced bandwidth option.

So what’s coming up next?

In short, performance enhancements. Launching a product that serves 50,000 members around the world is not without it’s challenges and we know a minority of users have not experienced the best playback. Not cool. Over the next 6 weeks we’ll be rolling out a number of updates that will dramatically improve playback and upload performance across web and mobile.

Emery Wells

Emery Wells is the Co-Founder & VP, Digital Products, Frame.io

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Frame.io V4 Beta Feature Focus—Player and Commenting

Frame.io V4 Beta Feature Focus—New Design, Smooth Navigation