90,000 users and 75 new features and improvements

Just one year ago we launched Frame.io, a radically reimagined way to collaborate on video.

The past year has been an incredible ride. We raised $2.2 Million dollars from top silicon valley investors and celebrities like Jared Leto. We released a desktop companion app for Final Cut Pro and hundreds of new features. I’m proud to announce today that we have reached 90,000 users and we’re adding 75 new features and improvements to the list.

April 2016 Updates

Smarter Emails
We’ve completely rewritten our email service to be content rich and group notifications to minimize the amount of mail you receive. These emails contain links for easy navigation to individual assets and projects. You can change the frequency of these emails here.

Set Frame as Thumb
You can now set a custom thumbnail that will appear as the thumbnail in the project view and presentation pages.

Download Still Frame
Quickly get a full resolution frame grab of the current frame taken directly from the original source file.

New Comments Panel
This panel is optimized for function. The cells fit closer together to allow for more comments on screen. You can also adjust the width of the comments panel to make more room. Comments are marked read after they are selected for the first time and this information is visible to the rest of the team.

Read Receipts
You can now see who has read your comments

New Comments Button
When you land on the player page and there are new comments, you will see the new comments button. Simply click this button to move to and select the next new comment. You can dismiss the button but the comments will remain marked as unread until they are selected.

Edit Comments
This one took longer than it should have, but it’s here.

Comment Likes
Get a quick idea of what others are thinking about your comments.

Next/Previous Comment Button
Step through comments one at a time with these buttons.

Download Comments Button
Previously only accessible with CMD+E, we have made downloading comments functionality easier to find.

Hide Completed Comments
The comments panel always doubled as a task list. Now you can easily hide the completed comments and focus on what needs to be done.


Mark Complete UI
The complete state of comments is much clearer with a large checkmark. You can also see who completed the comment and when by hovering the icon.

Stream Performance
We cut down the amount of requests being made when loading the player. We also stopped loading the content of the split player until it is requested which means faster playback performance.

Pause/Resume Uploads
Sometimes you just got to do it. Pausing will also happen when a computer is put to sleep, and resuming happens on wake.

Version Stack While Uploading
You no longer lose the progress of an upload if you version it while it’s still uploading.


We fixed an issue where the player would appear to buffer when it was not needed. This was confusing, and led to non bandwidth related stream issues.

So what’s coming up next?

On Monday, April 11th, we’ll be releasing our most ambitious product to date. A real-time collaboration player for Adobe Premiere Pro. Stay tuned!

Emery Wells

Emery Wells is the Co-Founder & VP, Digital Products, Frame.io

New Real-Time Logging Speeds Up Camera to Cloud Workflows

Frame.io V4 Beta Feature Focus—Player and Commenting

Frame.io V4 Beta Feature Focus—New Design, Smooth Navigation