Insider Tips: Using FCP’s Custom Roles to Organize a Multicam Sequence

Every week, Insider asks one of our expert contributors to share a tip, tool, or technique that they use all the time and couldn’t live without. This week, Reuben Evans reveals how to bring order to a multicam sequence.

Final Cut Pro’s use of roles uses metadata to organize your timeline. Final Cut Pro also combines audio and video into a single clip on your timeline to keep things tidy. By default, FCPX makes a video clip adopt the color of the audio role.

This normally works fine, but what if you are cutting a multicam clip and would like to see a different color based on what camera you are on? As your multicam edits become longer or more complex, color coding your camera angles or subjects can make navigation much easier.

You can now assign a custom video role with it’s own color see it with a multicam clip when you turn on Show audio lanes. Within the multicam sequence, assign a custom video role and color to one of your angles. Open the timeline index and select Show Audio Lanes. Now you can see that each angle will have its own color in your timeline and your multicam sequence will make a lot more sense.

Simple. But very effective.

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Reuben Evans

Reuben Evans is an award-winning screenwriter, executive producer at Faithlife, and a member of the Producers Guild of America. He has produced and directed numerous documentaries and commercials. Reuben’s tools of choice are RED Cameras, Final Cut Pro, and DaVinci Resolve. He writes for Insider and is part of the Blade Ronner Media writers network. Reuben resides in Washington state with his wife, four kids, and one crazy goldendoodle puppy named Baker.

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