The Insider Recommends the Insider’s Guide to Marketing Videos

If you’re even slightly aware of marketing trends, you’ve doubtless heard that the demand for high-quality video content is on the rise and that marketers are scrambling to create and deliver it faster and more efficiently. 

Here at we know all about how that works. As creators of a product that’s specifically designed to streamline video workflows—as well as being an Adobe company—we have a whole team dedicated to creating video marketing content on a daily basis.

In other words, we understand our customers because we are our customers.

Over the past few years, we’ve learned a thing or two about how to optimize the video creation process. And we think some of those insights and shortcuts could be of value to you, which is why we created this Insider’s Guide to Creating Effective Marketing Videos More Efficiently.

Our in-house production group (we call them the Prod Squad) lives in every single day. From the very beginning of the project, they use to collect mood boards and inspiration and to share scripts as they flesh out the concepts and designs. As they move into pre-production they share everything from lens tests to call sheets, storyboards and shot lists, and so much more.

The Camera to Cloud workflow is vital to collaborating with marketers who may not be on set during production, and to getting shots to our editors immediately so they can confirm that our director has captured the coverage they need. Throughout editorial, is the place where all assets are centralized and all feedback is collected. Finally, is where all the final deliverables for every department—from paid ads to YouTube finals, social media, landing pages, etc. are neatly organized for all the groups who need to access and distribute them.

In the guide, we outline the specifics of their process and share their pro tips so you can try them out for yourself. We hope you find something useful, or even inspirational!

Lisa McNamara

Lisa McNamara is's senior content writer and a frequent contributor to The Insider. She has worked in film and video post-production approximately since dinosaurs roamed the planet.

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